Monday, January 31, 2011

So Much to Do!

In addition to my various Big Girl duties, such as trying (and liking!) new foods, like hummus...

I've been busy being a good Big Sister to my brother, Tommy.

Here I am reading to him while he relaxes in the swing...

I also made sure he was nice and cozy by bringing him lots of animals to snuggle with. You'll notice Lamby is swaddled just like Tommy. I take good care of him, too.

Tommy's not so sure about this SuperPig character...

Taking care of Tommy and Lamby wears me out a little, so I relax with a little TV and some snuggle time in Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Apparently I wear Tommy out, too.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Napping House

Baby Tommy seems to wear everyone out, including himself. Daddy took these pictures of Mommy, Tommy and Chewy all napping last weekend.

I, however, remain ENERGIZED! It helps that I got these cool Pocoyo presents in the mail from Grandma. Thanks, Grandma, I love you, and I am obsessed with them!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How We Are Coping With Being a Family of 4

Becoming a family of four has been an adjustment for all of us. I have fared the best, and am my normal silly self. I like helping Tommy and showing him how to do stuff. Here I am doing a little dance to try to make Baby Thomas smile:
Tommy copes with his periodic crabbiness by sitting in his swing and snuggling with my SuperPig:
And here's the bottle and sippy cup drying rack with an idea of how mommy copes:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bonding With Nana

Nana, Uncle Stuart and Cousin Kyle came to visit yesterday. Kyle and I were on the move too much to get a picture of, but Mom did get a few pictures of Tommy snuggling with Nana. Kyle and I think Tommy's pretty lazy, but Mom says give him a year and he'll give us a run for our money, whatever that means.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wet With Dog Slobber = Clean?

I helped Baby Thomas have some fun naked wiggle time today...

And Chewy helped give him a bath. Now he's been properly initiated as a member of the family.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Family Portrait

I am having fun helping Mommy and Grandma and being a good big sister. I like holding Baby Thomas (for short periods of time), bringing him toys, and helping to pat his back to make him burp.

He's pretty cute...
Daddy thinks so too.

We attempted to take some family pictures this weekend, and found out it's pretty hard to make everyone cooperate at once. This shot sums things up pretty nicely: Me, running around in circles and giggling, Mommy looking sleepy and shushing Baby Thomas, and Daddy trying to coax me into sitting down.
Here's another variation on the same theme, with Tommy crying and me holding my breath and closing my eyes. Good luck, Mom and Dad!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Late Xmas and a New Sibling

Since we were all still sick, Nana came down last weekend without Stuart and Kyle to open our Xmas presents. I got some puzzles, clothes and other fun stuff, thanks Nana!

And got a new tricycle from Mom and Dad! I'm a little short to reach the pedals, but Dad said he'll do something about that. And for now, I like just climbing on top of it and ringing the bell.

But the best present of all was the clean bill of health I FINALLY got from the doctor. Now I can begin playing with/torturing my new baby brother. He likes when I stick my finger inside his pacifier, right? :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Being a Big Sister Put on Temporary Hold

As you can see by my "Big Sister" shirt, I'm excited to try out my new big sister skills...

However, I haven't quite got the chance since the whole house is sick with RSV (me included). This is mostly like a cold for the rest of us, but could be really dangerous for little Tommy, so he and Mommy and her silly mask are quarantined upstairs...

I miss them both. But rest assured, Tommy is still cute (he does have my genes, after all)...

And in good spirits...

Even though this thing is currently his only friend.

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