Friday, June 5, 2009

Irvine Park Play Date

Today my friends and I went to Irvine Park. They have all sorts of fun stuff to do there! First, I rode my first pony!
OK, I didn't really ride it, I just sat on it. I think Mom and I were both afraid of it, and that's all we were really up for.

Then I got to go on my first train ride with all my friends. I met the engineer first, to make sure it was a safe endeavor...

And had so much fun, smiling and squealing the whole time it was moving.
They even made me an honorary engineer (OK, not really, but at least I got a picture).

Then we went to the petting zoo. I thought the goats were very silly, and laughed at this one a lot!

Then I got to pet the baby goats, which I loved! I would have crawled around with them, but for some reason Mom wouldn't let me. Goats are my new favorite animal (sorry, llamas).

This little guy wasn't part of the petting zoo, but was close enough to pet, eating all the Cheerios we all dropped. Mom wouldn't let me pet him though. I told Chewy about him, and Chewy was very jealous.
All in all, a very fun day for a very silly girl!

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