Thursday, February 25, 2010

Aspiring Artist?

I am now an artist! Check out my latest creations from my first toddler art class:

OK, truth be told, Mom sculpted the caterpillar and put in its spaghetti antennae. I contributed by grinding the other bits of pasta into its back, and swallowing a few of them for good measure.

This is a sun I made by covering my hand in yellow paint, and having mom turn the paper around and around while I mashed my hand against it. It's all in the technique. Then I slapped some other colors on there, and continued to paint my hand, hair, and cheek.

No autographs, please!

1 comment:

JDiLuigi said...

These are great Sue - Katherine IS a budding artist. I love how you write your blog from Katherine's perspective:) I can still hear your voice in there though;)


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