Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pretend City With Grandma

We took Grandma to Pretend City in Irvine.  They have everything there!   Here I am as a farmer planting some vegetables...

Tommy did some apple picking...

Before joining me in the garden.

They even had real baby chickens there!  I caught Tommy trying to say, "peep, peep" a few times.

Grandma had fun and got in on the pretend time too!

Here's Tommy in costume, getting into character at the theater.

And here I am doing a little dance and performance in costume at the theater:

Then we filled up our fake car with fake really expensive gas (true to the times)...

And I manned the 911 booth at the fire station, with Grandma's supervision.  

After lunch Tommy did a little building/knocking down with some blocks that were virtually the same size as him.  I guess he was pretending to be small, which isn't normally something he's thought of as.  

Then it was on to the grocery store...

And a quick break for storytime in the park...

Before heading over to the sushi restaurant.  Yes, there's really a sushi restaurant there.

Tommy was more interested in sweeping the floor than learning to use chopsticks...

But Grandma and I did pretty well!  Kampai!

Next it was time for the hospital.  First I was seen by this crazy nurse...

Who helped put my leg in a splint.

Then it was time to call in the specialist.  Paging Dr. Pumpkin!

Mom doesn't look so good here; her organs are spilling out everywhere!

Let's check this x-ray....Yup, just as I suspected: a serious case of extreme silliness.  I may be genetically presdisposed to it as well.

Tommy tried his hand at dentistry...

But I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to wedge the tools in the patient's mouth like this.  He may need to explore a different career path. 

I, however, did a great job examining Grandma's teeth.  

Our final stop was at the lakes and rivers.

Tommy did a great job as a longshoreman!

Fear me, fish!


We also did some sailing by pointing this wind cannon at the boats.

But soon Grandma found it was more fun to point it at Tommy.

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