Monday, February 16, 2009

Babies, Babies Everywhere!

I had a playdate with Miles and Kara today. Here are our parents doing a baby-switch...
Here's me with Miles and Kara having wiggly time...

Here I have commandeered Kara's toy, and she's looking for an opening to grab it back. You'll notice I don't even need to use my hands, my mouth is good enough.

Miles and I are told by our moms that we're going to have an arranged marriage, which you can see I'm quite happy about.
Here he is kissing (or biting?) me...
Trying to push me away (it'll never work, I'm bigger than him)
And here I am trying to hold his hand (or arm). See? He likes it!

Dad says that Miles should watch himself, and that I'm not allowed to date yet.
It was a big day, so I relaxed at night in my PJs with Dad.

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