Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rolling Over

I am now officially a big girl, and can roll from my tummy to my back all on my own. This opens up a whole new world of trouble for my parents...


Grandma Jo said...

I love the baaaby!!

Grandma Jo said...

I suppose now that The Pumpkin can roll over you'll want her to come here and practice it for us. I hope you realize that Foster doesn't know how to roll over yet and it's likely he will become quite severely depressed when he sees that Katherine has mastered yet another trick that he has no clue about.

Karen said...

Her first step towards independent mobility. You are in trouble now! Hopefully she will not practice her new skill at inopportune times. That happened with my oldest, who rolled over and over and over one night, quite upset when she would end up on her back, unable to get back to her tummy. I seriously considered duct taping her so she could not roll anymore.


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