Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pretend City

Last Friday we went to a place called "Pretend City". It has all sorts of venues geared toward kids, like a fake grocery store, fake restaurant, fake beach, and fake park. I liked the fake farm best. I got to dig in the "soil", wear a "leather" vest, and pick "apples" from a "tree".

But they did have real baby chickens!

I realized that among all this fake stuff, my best chance for making a mess was at the rivers and water station. However, this is Orange County, so they had little plastic cover-ups for everyone's cute kiddo clothes. My plans were almost thwarted...

But through lots of reaching...
And capturing a "lobster" and a "fish"...

I managed to get wet enough for mom to have to change my shirt. She then put a belt of bells on me that she found at the theater exhibit, so she could keep track of me while I ran around until I nearly wore myself out. I ran up and down this ramp about 12,000 times.

It was pretty fun there, but I've decided I like my real duck pond, real sand for digging, and real park with swings and a slide best.

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