Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Discovery Science Center

Today Mom and I went to the Discovery Science Center. It's really meant for older kids but I still found some stuff that I liked, like this gravity well to spin ping pong balls in...

And this magnet wall where you could build your own track of pipes to put a ball through.

They also had a toddler area with fun stuff to spin and move, and a computer that lets you fingerpaint. I LOVED that. Mom sees fingerpaints (and big tarps for the floor) in our future.

After I'd mastered the toddler area, I was ready to bolder go where no two year old has gone before: the rocket lab! Here I am pressing the launch button. When it got to zero, the whole thing shook, alarms sounded, and mist came down! I had Mom pick me up, but I still thought it was pretty cool.

Then we went out to the dinosaur exhibit. I love dinosaur skeletons! Maybe I'll be a paleontologist...
Here I am inside and outside the big brontosaurus:

Then the real reason we came: the giant bug exhibit! Here I am with the fighting ants and the huge praying mantis!
Wait! Maybe I'll be an entomologist...
I love science!

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