Sunday, May 20, 2012

Boeing Rocket Launch

On Saturday we went to a model rocket launch event at Boeing.  Dad and I built our rocket out of a plastic 2 liter bottle, poster board, a cone wax cup, tape, string, and a paper parachute.

Tommy tried to help, but he was more destructive than helpful, so Mom distracted him with this banana.

Here's our rocket!
We filled it water, then went over to the launch site, where they pressurized the water in the bottle to launch our rocket.  The rocket with the longest hang time would be the winner.

I even got to launch it myself!
3...2...1...Blast off!

Pretty good, eh?  Maybe I'll add "rocket scientist" to my list of things to be when I grow up.  After my successful launch, Tommy picked a flower for me...

And Mom gave us some freeze-dried astronaut ice cream.  Yum?

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